
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wooden Plugs

Marjorie Wannamaker wrote:
Wooden plugs are used by carpenters to cover the head of screws in furniture items. They are inserted into the hole where the screw went in and you only see wood. They can be stained to the correct color of the wood, or painted.
These little wooden plugs come in a variety of sizes; I used the small ones, about 1/4 inch diameter, in two ways.
  • In qtr scale, set the plug on the flat side (the side that would fit into the hole) and use it as a wooden oak barrel planter. I like to stain them, draw with perm pen the "metal" bands and then either drill into them to set a plant or just cover the top with landscaping material. I've made some adorable geraniums in oak barrels for one of my qtr scale houses.
  • Set the flat side on a platter, ice them and use them as large cupcakes.
Fun and easy.